Kembla answers the most FAQs about solar panels and installations

Benefiting both domestic homes and commercial premises, solar installations deliver energy cost savings and reduce CO2 emissions.

A lot of people are confused about how solar works and what it can do.

To help you on your journey we have created a free FAQs download. It answers the most frequently asked questions about panels, installations, fees and cost savings.

Are you confused?

Would you benefit from a free consultation from one of our solar experts?

We offer a full energy assessment and we’ll take you through the pros of installing solar at your home or business.

This can be a property visit or a phone/ Zoom chat and during this we’ll ask you a few questions so that we can understand your energy and cost saving needs.

We’ll then let you know what would be involved and the benefits you can expect.

The best thing about it is, there’s no fee and there’s no commitment!

Sounds good? OK, let’s get started

You can either book your consultation here or call 01543 713026

In case you missed it here’s the link to the FAQs download again


Seeking to install solar? Access these Govt. tax benefits


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