Solar has come a long way since Alexandre Becquerel initially discovered the photovoltaic effect in 1839.

When you think of solar equipment, you might just imagine a flat roof panel with an inverter attached to it. Decades ago, this was the case. Most types of equipment were pretty much sold as standard models, and it all looked (pretty much) the same. However, technology has improved, and the demand for solar has heavily increased since it’s initial invention. Solar is no exception. Solar technology has moved on incredibly fast, and there are now many different types of components which make up a solar PV installation. All of these equipment types are varying in quality depending on supplier, manufacturer, cost, and installation company.

The greener evolution of solar

Since the early days of solar, green energy companies have pushed for more energy efficient solutions to solar PV, as a way of maximising the energy output from as little sunlight as possible. Solar has become more of a complex installation project. Solar then became far more integrated with IT than it was before, combining design software with site data to establish illustrative models and desktop surveys.

Even solar fitters used to only require a skillset equivalent to roof-fitting. Now, the solar industry has massively revamped it’s employee skillset standard, with fitters requiring much more knowledge and industry-approved craftsmanship qualifications.

Naturally with all the newest solar advancements, comes variety. Masses of new manufacturers have sprung up; new sets of requirements depending on the household specifications have been established, and new national laws regarding documentation processes are now in place.

So, with all of this in mind – it’s safe to say that not all solar PV is the same.

How solar PV is different per company

The quality of a solar PV project can differ depending on the company who plan and install your project. There are a number of different factors affecting the quality of installation, such as…

  • Material suppliers
  • Material manufacturers
  • Knowledge and experience of installation team
  • Skillset of the installation team

Thoroughness of pre-installation checks, research, and design

All of these factors can completely change the quality, efficiency and lifetime of your project.

What makes a good solar PV installer?

A high-quality solar installation company will source materials only from reputable manufacturers who are industry compliant (and of course, alongside high quality equipment you can expect high-quality service).

A good quality solar installation company are thorough in all of their pre-installation groundwork, as well as the physical project itself. That’s because it’s important to catch every potential obstacle before going ahead with the installation.

A DNO approval is also needed, so that your energy usage can be logged into the local energy database.

Benefits of high-quality solar PV installation

Solar is a big investment, so it’s important to opt for high quality to extend the lifetime of your solar installation.

Opting for high-quality solar equipment means…

  • You won’t need to replace your solar PV system for a very long time
  • Materials will be more durable
  • Energy yield will be higher

Need high-quality solar PV? Choose Kembla

At Kembla, we pride ourselves on providing both high-quality service as well as high-quality solar equipment. Kembla only use high-quality solar equipment, sourced only from reputable manufacturers – both in the UK and internationally.

Our pre-installation groundwork is all industry-coherent and extremely thorough. We research everything with a fine toothcomb before carrying out any installation work, to ensure your project is as durable and efficient as possible, with no hiccups. We’ll draw up thoroughly detailed illustrations using our collected data, and provide a range of design options. Kembla also cover all of the pre-installation admin, working alongside your business as it runs day to day.

Kembla will also complete your DNO application on your behalf, keeping you informed of it’s progress before it gets approved.

Talk to us

If this sounds appealing to you, then get in touch with us for a no-obligation chat about your solar PV project. We provide honest, genuine advice from a friendly and knowledgeable team.

Published 7th March 2023

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