As the soaring prices of energy bills don’t seem to be coming back down to earth any time soon, many small/medium owners are looking for ways to make cuts across the board, to compensate for the influx of pennies going towards their energy. If you’re a small/medium business owner you’ve probably been affected by the dramatic increase of energy prices already. If you’re a homeowner and a business owner, these recent price surges have probably come as a double whammy for you.

But what’s the difference between solar for a small/medium business, to solar for domestic use? Well, functionally speaking – not much. If you’re a family run business on a smaller scale, the chances are you’ll most likely require a solar installation that acts similarly to a domestic solar panel fitting in terms of its size and expense. Financially speaking however, it’s slightly different due to the high tax savings you could make, meaning solar PV could just be your business’ financial safety net.

You can deduct 130% in tax

If you’re not already aware of the high tax breaks on solar PV, then here’s some positive news. You can claim up to 130% tax relief for the first year, up until March 2023. Under the new tax deduction scheme to encourage businesses to become greener, companies can save a huge 130% in tax cuts if they invest in machinery and plant equipment. Solar PV and EV charging points also qualify under the scheme, to incentivise more companies to switch to greener energy solutions to power their business. The super deduction allows you to remove the value of your invested assets from your profit – reducing your overall tax pot.

But that’s not the only reason to install solar for your business. Not only can solar energy save your business thousands, but it can also improve your brand reputation and reduce even more costs as your business grows. Installing solar power brings about a myriad of positive ripple effects for your business across the board – ethically, environmentally, socially, and financially. Solar installation brings only good things for your business and its benefits will go further than finance.

With this in mind, we explore the benefits of solar installation, detailing how your company could not only save thousands in energy bills, but how solar can help your business grow.

Greener energy solutions support your ethos and prove you mean what you say

We all know the planet can’t afford to be powered by fossil fuels anymore – but by opting for greener energy solutions you’re doing your bit to establish ethical consciousness and actively reducing your business’s carbon footprint.

We’re all looking for ways to run businesses in a more environmentally friendly way, with policies, mission statements and company values all appearing to echo the next. This is a ripple effect of the ‘we must act now’ warnings which have propagated the globe for several decades. But nowadays, if businesses want to be taken more seriously, they are trying to establish functionality that is even more ethically conscious, taking further steps to ensure they are environmentally aware.

By installing solar and EV charging points, your business takes a huge leap in the honest direction, solidifying a higher environmental awareness to the networks around it.

Implementing solar PV and EV charging to your site is another string to add to your bow. It’s something you can really emphasise when you market your brand, and it shows people that you’ll do what you say you’re going to do.

Being more environmentally conscious will impact growth

Being more ethically and environmentally conscious not only satisfies your moral conscience, but it shows you care. It shows your business cares about the world around it, and it’s doing its part to help reduce the harmful effects of global warming and environmental damage caused by the extraction of fossil fuels for energy. Doing your bit to reduce your carbon footprint is highly attractive to prospective customers and businesses who might want to work with you.

Materialising on your environmental awareness can do wonders for your brand’s reputation and even broaden your audience bracket. This is particularly beneficial for smaller scale business owners – as installing solar can help you really stand out from the competition.

Give your energy bills the chop

The most attractive thing to many business owners is the money saving aspect of solar. Particularly in these tough financial times, people want to opt for solar to save themselves a few pennies. It is estimated that by going solar, you could save four figures on your energy bills within the first five years.

The pricier energy bills are, the more of an investment solar becomes. As the energy bills don’t seem to be dropping anytime soon, solar energy really could save you some serious money.

During a time of financial inconsistency, solar is a constant

The current financial inconsistencies with energy bills can be monetarily concerning for many Company Directors; nobody really knows when the prices will be definitively capped. Unfortunately, this makes it difficult to plan future expenses, potentially fogging your business’ financial calendar. But in a time of financial uncertainty, the price of solar is reasonably constant and predictable.

Installing solar for your business is recommended to do sooner rather than later, as it sets the wheels in motion for you to save thousands in the long run. It also means you can plan your finances more clearly, fine-tune your budget, and allows you some breathing room. You’ll get some solid numbers for the next five years or so – meaning you can comfortably plan to expand without the ominous grey cloud of energy bills looming above your head.

Cuts costs not just now, but forever!

As your business grows, your demand for power will increase. Solar energy is your financial safety blanket here – where using the national grid would just continue to increase energy costs as your business expands, solar works to reduce. You wouldn’t need to constantly meet the costly demands of using the national grid for your power.

It’s sensible to invest in solar before you’re able to expand, as you can cut further costs in the long run. A sensible investment, getting solar installed will spark the money saving wheels into motion…

Little to no maintenance

There is little maintenance involved with solar. Solar installation generally has a life span of 25 years, and within that time you don’t really need to alter it much. It doesn’t hurt to have an annual check over of the installation’s functionality, but apart from that – it runs itself, leaving you to run your business.

Want to start saving money and improve your brand’s reputation? Get in touch.

So, to make short term tax cuts, chop energy costs for good, and feel more comfortable about your business’ environmental awareness then contact Kembla to see how your business could thrive with solar PV installation.

Published 7th June 2022

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